On 13 June 2023, a presentation of the book „Semen’s Stars” by Fr. Andrii Zelinski SJ took place at the Ivan Franko State University of Zhytomyr (Ukraine). The presentation brought together a wide range of teachers, students, military personnel and volunteers, as well as friends of the author.

„Semen’s Stars” is a book about what Fr. Andrii considers his main mission, namely the „art of starlighting”. Starlighting is the ability to release from a person his light, energy, potential, thanks to which he shines, like a bright star, and can brighten the world around him.

Fr. Andrii started to write this book in 2015. The book contains much of the author’s experience. The main characters of the book are a whole generation of Ukrainians who believe that a better life is possible, a better world is possible, and they are ready to fight for these ideals. The narrative shows free people in a free world. However, it is important to remember that freedom requires an open heart that knows how to listen. Free people are also masters of their own lives, able to create the future.

The author himself describes the genre of his book as a fairy tale, but everything in the book is based on true events. A fable, on the other hand, is a condensation of folk wisdom. In a fable, good triumphs over evil and beauty is stronger than ugliness. This is what helps to cope with traumatic realities.

The overarching theme of the book is that of journey. For Fr Andrii, a journey is not just about distances. Above all, the journey means encounters and events, interaction with the world and with oneself. And all of this generates an experience to be realised.

„Semen’s Stars” is not Fr. Andrii’s first book. Books published in previous years have become bestsellers on the Ukrainian book market. However, the author himself notes that „Stars of Semen” is the most important book of all those he has written.

Fr. Andrii Zelinskyi is a Jesuit priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), chief military chaplain of the UGCC, advisor to the head of the UGCC on communication strategy, lecturer of the Ethics-Politics-Economics programme at the Ukrainian Catholic University, lecturer at the Leadership and Management Institute of the Ukrainian Catholic University, co-founder and lecturer of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, political scientist, publicist, book author and public figure.