On July 10-12, on the occasion of the NATO summit, the meeting of the Military Ordinaries of the European Bishops’ Conferences also took place in Vilnius. This was an occasion to reflect together on the pastoral care of military personnel and their families, with a fraternal exchange on experiences and decisions in the current European scenario, particularly in the context of the war in Ukraine. One of the participants in the meeting was Fr. Andriy Zelinskyy SJ – the chief military chaplain of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Fr Andrij Zelenskyy SJ presented the development of the role of chaplains during the war. In a conflict situation, such as the one Ukraine is facing, starting in 2014 and especially with the Russian invasion in 2022, one witnesses – the Jesuit chaplain declared – situations of aggression of entire communities of civilians, acts of violence, even on women and children, leading to the radical destruction of space and time; the limit of humanity is crossed; a real ontological collapse is reached.

In this context, the chaplain’s role is to be present in the field by accompanying soldiers for spiritual care, with the administration of the Sacraments even in the trenches, with prayer in small groups, with support and proximity. It is a service that is part of a broader framework, of continuing education, to counter the disorder generated by war with the search for the order from which peace can arise, with the commitment of all to seek truth, choose the good, fight for justice, and contemplate beauty.

The Archbishop of Vilnius Gintaras Grušas, CCEE President and also Military Ordinary for Lithuania, highlighted that this Vilnius meeting is the first one of the military ordinaries organised by the CCEE, and that it will take place every two years, to deal with pastoral issues related to the military world.

Abp Grušas concluded: “we want to accompany this summit of heads of State, members of NATO, with the prayer that their choices will be oriented towards the common good, that they will work for human promotion, and that they will work to put an end to conflicts and to guarantee peace”.

Many moments of prayer accompanied the meeting: in the chapel of the Gates of Dawn, as well as in Vilnius Cathedral as well as in the Shrine of Divine Mercy. During the meeting the Bishops and representatives of the Military Ordinariates of Europe prayed in a special way for the peace in Ukraine.

Sources: jezuici.pl, ccee.eu